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The Paradox of Cancer Testing

Feb 18, 2024

3 min read



“Cancer” has been such a vehicle for fear that people will sign up for crazy measures at the advice of anyone wearing a white coat because they’re afraid not to. Now, this begs the question, “Why does everything we consume or put on our bodies, or even breathe, cause cancer?” It’s planned! Our bodies were meant to deal with occasional toxins and handle them, but today our entire world is contaminated, causing people to declare war on cancer instead of declaring war on the entities spreading fear and toxic junk.

Did you ever consider that testing for cancer could actually be perilous in itself? It's a startling thought, but one worth exploring. Our bodies possess incredible mechanisms for dealing with potential threats, including cancer. In fact, cancer might even serve as a protective mechanism developed by the body to contain and isolate harmful agents, preventing them from causing further harm.

However, the moment we decide to undergo testing for cancer, we open the door to a series of potential risks and consequences. Imagine this scenario: you undergo a routine test, and suddenly, you're faced with the ominous diagnosis: "You've got cancer." What follows is often a whirlwind of medical interventions, with one of the first steps typically being a biopsy. But here's the catch: biopsies can inadvertently rupture these contained cancerous cells, causing them to spread rapidly throughout the body with a newfound vengeance.

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, conventional medicine often prescribes aggressive treatments like chemotherapy and radiation. However, it's essential to understand the origins of these treatments to grasp their potential risks. Chemotherapy, for instance, traces its roots back to Agent Orange, a notorious chemical weapon used during wartime. Originally designed to kill, steal, and destroy, it's unsettling to think that the same principles underpin some cancer treatments.

And then there's radiation, a cornerstone of cancer treatment for decades. It's important to acknowledge the inherent danger of exposing the body to radiation. After all, radiation exposure is a known risk factor for cancer development, creating a paradoxical situation where the treatment itself carries the potential to induce the very condition it supposedly aims to eradicate.

My advice would be to grow your own food, grow your own animal fodder, don’t apply anything from a store to your skin or clothes, filter your water but be sure to add minerals back through salt and even mineral rocks (I’ll post on those later). Take as much into your own hands as possible. And stop all the darn testing! When you go looking for cancer, you’re going to find it (or create it)!

Furthermore, certain mushrooms show the most potential in regard to battling cancer. Chaga and Reishi are my main staples. Others have specific affinities for different organ systems, such as Turkey Tail that has an affinity for the reproductive system. Pokeweed is also a key herb in natural cancer treatment, especially for the lymphatic system! Whole breast tumors have been drawn out with Poke poultices used by Appalachian Folk Herbalists. It’s not pretty and you have to be prepared for a big hole to address when it draws it out, but it works.

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