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Healing with Comfrey: A Natural Remedy for Humans and Animals

Jul 2, 2024

5 min read



Comfrey, also known as "knitbone" or "bone-set," has a long history in traditional medicine for treating various ailments, particularly those related to skin, bones and connective tissue. Its healing properties stem from the presence of allantoin, a compound that promotes cell growth and regeneration.

In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of comfrey for bones and connective tissue and provide a simple recipe to create a healing oil infusion, which may be made into a salve as is or used as the base for more complex topical remedies. Additionally, I’ll discuss its applications for both humans and animals/livestock, specifically horses, as I embark on the healing journey for our new rescue horse, Mina!

The Benefits of Comfrey

Comfrey has been used for centuries to treat bone fractures, sprains, bruises, and other injuries. Its benefits include:

1. Bone Healing: Comfrey aids in the healing of broken bones and fractures by stimulating cell growth and tissue repair.

2. Anti-inflammatory Properties: It reduces inflammation, making it beneficial for sprains, strains, and other inflammatory conditions.

3. Pain Relief: Comfrey can help alleviate pain associated with injuries and conditions like arthritis.

4. Skin Regeneration: Its regenerative properties promote the healing of wounds, cuts, and abrasions. It works so well it will heal the outside before the inside, so take care if you choose to use it on deep cuts, as you risk trapping bacteria inside and creating a bigger problem.

Comfrey Oil Infusion Recipe

Creating your own comfrey oil infusion at home is easy, especially with an automatic infuser like THIS ONE I like on Amazon. Mine is so old they don’t make it anymore. 🥴

This recipe combines the healing properties of comfrey with the many benefits of coconut and olive oils. I always choose my oils based on the properties I’m looking for in the end product. You may decide other oils are better suited for your needs, and that’s fine. This is just a basic recipe that anyone can follow. For added pain relief and inflammation soothing properties, I always add a portion of Castor Oil.

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- 1 cup dried comfrey leaves

- 1 cup coconut oil

- 1 cup olive oil

- Optional: 10-20 drops of essential oil (e.g., lavender, rosemary, frankincense, copaiba, etc.) for added fragrance and benefits


1. Prepare the Infusing Machine:

- Plug in your machine and set it to the desired temperature (around 160°F or 70°C is ideal for infusing herbs).

2. Combine Ingredients:

- Add the dried comfrey leaves, coconut oil, and olive oil into the infusing machine.

3. Infuse:

- Set the machine to run for 4 hours to allow the comfrey to infuse into the oils thoroughly.

4. Strain the Mixture:

- Once the infusion process is complete, carefully strain the mixture using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to remove the comfrey leaves. Make sure to squeeze out as much oil as possible from the leaves.

5. Cool and Store:

- Pour the infused oil into clean, sterilized jars or bottles. Allow it to cool at room temperature. You can also add essential oils at this stage for additional benefits and fragrance.

6. Usage:

- Apply the comfrey oil infusion to the affected area 2-3 times a day. Ensure the area is clean before application. The infusion can be stored in a cool, dark place for up to a year.

Expanding Your Topical Formulas

The comfrey oil infusion serves as a versatile base for more complex topical formulas. You can transform the infusion into a salve by adding beeswax to create a firmer consistency. This allows the remedy to stick around on the surface longer, so if you’re addressing superficial wounds, this is ideal. The oil infusion, alone, is best for penetrating deeply, quickly, as in the case of bones, ligaments and tendons. Additionally, you can customize your salve by adding other healing herbs, essential oils, or even more active ingredients like arnica for extra anti-inflammatory benefits or calendula for enhanced skin healing. I love the combination of Solomon’s Seal and Comfrey, personally! Find this winning combination in my 🦴Knit Bone🦴 Ultra Restorative Tallow Balm!

Applications for Animals & Livestock, Including Horses

Comfrey's healing properties aren't just beneficial for humans; they can also be used for livestock, including horses. The same oil infusion can be applied to animals to aid in the healing of:

- Wounds and Cuts: Promote faster healing.

- Sprains and Strains: Reduce inflammation and pain, speeding up recovery.

- Bone Fractures: Support the healing process in fractures or breaks.

- Tendon/Ligament Issues: Helps restore stressed, weakened and damaged connective tissues.

When using comfrey oil infusion on animals, ensure the area is clean and free of dirt. Adhere to the same golden rule as for humans, which is to take caution if you choose to use it on deep open wounds since it can trap bacteria inside. Apply the infusion 1-3 times daily and monitor the healing progress.

Mina, The Rescue Horse - A Healing Journey

Although, I plan to make a separate blog post about her journey, I wanted to mention Mina here. She will arrive in a few short days and I’m busy preparing all of her remedies. This will be my first time working with equines and herbs, but I’m confident that Mina will benefit greatly from this approach rather than a conventional drug “therapy” approach. Herbs heal, drugs…mask symptoms and create life-long dependency.

Mina has several issues with her front left foot, including severe arthritis, side bone, high ring bone, narrowing of the joint space, etc. She was rescued from a meat buyer at a horse auction by my sweet friend who knew she needed a second chance. She’s way too young to give up on just yet!

🍃I will be using a combination of different herbs, both internally and externally, and alternative therapies on Mina, but Comfrey is at the epicenter. Did you know that Comfrey was used as a livestock feed, historically? Yep! So, you do what you think is best for you and yours, but I’m going with the proven history that it’s safe for ingestion instead of gaslit studies meant to fear monger people against fully utilizing a wonderfully nutritious and medicinal plant. 🍃

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Using comfrey for bones and connective tissue injuries is a natural and effective way to promote healing. This simple comfrey oil infusion recipe harnesses the power of comfrey, coconut oil, and olive oil to create a healing oil infusion that you can easily make at home. The infused oil can serve as a base for more complex topical formulas, offering versatility in your herbal remedies. Additionally, comfrey's benefits extend beyond human use, making it a valuable treatment for animals. Embrace the healing propeetoes of the plants the Creator has provided and give your body—and your animals—the natural care they were meant for and deserve.

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