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The Flour Revolution: Why You Should Mill Your Own Flour for Baking

Feb 18, 2024

3 min read



In the age of convenience, pre-packaged and pre-milled flour dominates our grocery store shelves. However, there's a growing movement among baking enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals to return to the roots of baking by milling their own flour at home.

Beyond the satisfaction of creating something from scratch, there are compelling reasons to make the switch to freshly milled flour. Let's explore the nutrition and health benefits of milling your own flour for baking.

1. Preservation of Nutrients: When grains are milled, they begin to lose their nutritional value due to exposure to oxygen. Pre-milled flour often sits on shelves for extended periods, leading to a decline in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Conversely, milling your own flour ensures maximum retention of these vital nutrients, providing you with a healthier baking option.

2. Freshness: Just like any other food, freshness matters when it comes to flour. Pre-milled flour may spend weeks or even months in storage before reaching your kitchen, during which time it can become stale and lose its flavor. By milling your own flour, you have access to the freshest possible product, resulting in better-tasting baked goods with superior texture and aroma.

3. Control Over Ingredients: Commercial flour often contains additives such as preservatives, bleaching agents, and conditioners to prolong shelf life and improve texture. By milling your own flour, you have complete control over the ingredients, allowing you to avoid harmful additives and customize your flour to suit your dietary preferences and needs.

4. Whole Grain Goodness: Many pre-milled flours on the market are stripped of their bran and germ during processing, robbing them of essential nutrients and fiber. When you mill your own flour, you can choose to retain the entire grain, resulting in a product that is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Whole grain flour has been linked to numerous health benefits, including improved digestion, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and better weight management.

5. Flavor and Aroma: Freshly milled flour boasts a distinct flavor and aroma that simply cannot be replicated by store-bought alternatives. The oils present in freshly ground grains contribute to a richer, nuttier flavor profile that can elevate your baked goods to new heights. Whether you're making bread, pastries, or pancakes, the difference in taste is undeniable.

6. Environmental Impact: By milling your own flour at home, you reduce your reliance on industrial-scale milling operations, which can have significant environmental consequences. By using whole grains sourced from local or organic producers, you can support sustainable agriculture practices and reduce your carbon footprint.

Milling your own flour at home offers a multitude of benefits, ranging from improved nutrition and flavor to greater control over ingredients and environmental sustainability. While it may require a bit more effort than simply grabbing a bag off the shelf, the rewards are well worth it. So why not join the flour revolution and experience the joys of baking with freshly milled flour? Your taste buds and your health will thank you.

Catch the next post on traditional food preparation to learn why you should ferment, soak or sprout your seeds, beans and nuts.

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(c) Higher Ground Herbs & Homestead 2024

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